I just wanted to mention a few things I'm thankful for and couldn't live without!
1. My Family. They're my rock and are always there when I need ANYTHING. They even put up with my terrible moods (which I blame on working nights!). I couldn't find a pic of my mawmaw but...I don't know what I would do without that woman! She's my best friend.
2. The best friends a girl could ask for. This pic is cira 2006. We went to New York for our senior Spring Break, which was 6 1/2 years ago (yikes!). I wish we could do this again SOON. How many of you are still friends with your best friends from high school AND middle school??! This girl right here :)
3. My puppy dogs, Sophie (left) and Benny (right). They keep me entertained!
4. My favorite place for vacations. So wish I was on the beach right now...reading :)
5. I am SO thankful for books and reading. I couldn't imagine not being able to read. I'd be so bored! I finished All My Tomorrows by Colette L. Saucier in one night! and absolutely LOVED it! I was hesitant on reading this for whatever reason but it exceeded by expectations by 100%. The book begins with you reading from The Edge of Darkness, which is what Alice is reading for inspiration for her show. The Edge of Darkness itself was so good! I found myself more interested in that than the actual story at first. This was such an easy read with a good story line. Peter, who Alice can't get along with, is the type of guy that's an ass but you like him away like Damon on The Vampire Diaries. Why do we always root for the bad guys??! If you're look for a good read by a local author, I'd pick this one up first. I am very impressed!
6. Almost forgot...pumpkin pie! This is my FAVORITE part of Thanksgiving!! :)
Hope everyone has a great holiday! What are you thankful for?