I got the idea to do a blogger confession from a new blog I just started following, DeLibrarie. Check it out, you won't be disappointed!
Sunday Confessions of a book blogger!
I've just come to realize this after moving 4 boxes of books to our new apartment. Then we didn't have room for 3 bookshelves so I have to get rid of one. Now I've been sticking books in random place. Fail.
2. My best friend Katee FINALLY likes to read.
After Katee got married, she and her husband moved to London last November, which is where he is from. Of course now that she's an ocean away she's been reading and we've been on What's App discussing books we like. I've waited for this day for 23 years! It definitely beats reading the bible to her for our senior year religion class ha!
3. I LOVE Barnes and Noble.
It's so my comfort zone. If I'm having a bad day, I like to just roam around there, not looking for anything in particular just smelling the books (yes that's weird). And what makes it all the better is Starbucks has their pumpkin spice latte out for the fall!! Best combo :)
4. October is my favorite month!
Not only is my birthday in October but I love Halloween! I really want to find a good scary book for Halloween to read. BN has a huge halloween section out that I've been browsing through but haven't picked anything out. Any suggestions?
5. I read reviews on BN.com before I buy a book.
I like reading reviews of a book/author I'd never heard of. I like getting an idea of what to expect and if it's my type of book before buying it. I've only written one review of a book and it was on Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay because it was so amazing I had to tell everyone!
I will definitely be going to Barnes and Noble soon! I always read the reviews on the BN website. I don't like to buy a book unless someone I know has read it or I have done some investigating.